Github Repository of random assortment of Reaper Scripts

ADFX_Helper; cubase style split tool.lua

ADFX_Helper; cubase style split tool reset.lua

This replicates the Steinberg (Cubase/Nuendo) style splitter tool, traditionally using 3 to activate a persistent splitter mouse tool, and then 1 to return to the normal mouse pointer. In this case ADFX_Helper; cubase style split tool reset.lua would be assigned to action 1, and ADFX_Helper; cubase style split tool.lua to 3 to mimic the same key strokes and functionality.


NOTE: The cubase style split tools scripts require Ultraschall API, available via Reapack.

ADFX_Helper; insert 2 pop sync tone.lua

This replicates Pro Tools functionality to quickly add a 2 pop sync tone. Option+Shift+Control+3 (Mac), Win+Alt+Shift+3 (PC)

Download link for Media file for 2 Pop Sync Tone script: ( ADFX_Helper; insert 2 pop sync tone.lua )

ADFX_Helper; copy render directory to clipboard.lua

ADFX_Helper; make variations from markered takes.lua

ADFX_Helper; set repeat on.lua

ADFX_Helper; set repeat off.lua

ADFX_Helper; take name from clipboard paste.lua

ADFX_Helper; take name to clipboard copy.lua

ADFX_Item; reset selected items volume to default.lua

ADFX_Item; select all items on track.lua

ADFX_Item; togglemute.lua